advantages and disadvantages of being a police officer
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advantages and disadvantages of being a police officeradvantages and disadvantages of being a police officer

advantages and disadvantages of being a police officer advantages and disadvantages of being a police officer

While police officers can make a decent salary in many states, they will simply not make as much money as a doctor or a lawyer. New police chief hired at N.C. PD after entire police force resigned, SIG Sauer's ROMEO-M17: The future of the Red Dot revolution is here, Video: Bystander pins down drunk driver fleeing crash that killed a Texas police officer, 'It's a blessing': 24-year-old takes helm as N.C. police chief, 'Hold your heart open': Officers, community members attend funeral for Kansas City cop, K-9, keep officers job satisfaction rates high, Open the tools menu in your browser. Police work is rife with circumstantial stressors. This can be quite problematic since police officers may attack uninvolved residents due to their paranoia. Uniform Stories covers an array of subjects like field stories, entertaining anecdotes, and expert opinions. Yes, there are people who simply dont like them. Quite often, police officers are confronted with situations that are pretty unpleasant. Environmental Conscience aims to provide unique high-quality content that is helpful to the reader. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, If you need further help setting your homepage, check your browsers Help menu. If you are still not sure yet, you may have some friends who are police officers and can give you some additional information on this topic. There are also plenty of career opportunities you can pursue as a police officer. In my opinion, people often make the mistake to choose their profession solely based on how much money they can earn from it instead of doing what makes them really happy. The definition of especially heinous, however, is left up to the prosecutor's discretion. All of these things have been shown to increase critical thinking, moral reasoning and openness to diversity. I did the same when I started working in consulting after finishing my Masters degree in Economics. Consequently, it may also be hard for police officers to build trust with others and to make really good friends since they may always mistrust people right from the beginning. Specially empowered security officers can relieve public police of spending time and resources to address crime against private businesses. Let's look at some examples of when a police officer must use his or her discretion. Those attributes we contract from experience tend to become permanent character traits. Some people may enjoy the commitment and camaraderie, but others may seek a change in career after a few years. Varied hours. Police officers have a duty to serve and protect their communities, but some officers may be discouraged by the fact that crimes will continue to be committed no matter what. There are many pros and cons of being a security officer. Inside our minds are images, voices, screams, visions, smells, and dreams which have been influenced by our career. Its dreadful, really. It resonates at home with spouses and children. What is police discretion? Research has also shown that police officers themselves recognize the value of a college degree. If you dont get any support from the right influential people, your chances of making it to the top will be almost zero. To begin, it can result in unnecessary escalation, injury or death. Also, the prosecutor exercises their discretion to decide the severity of charges levied against the offender. Free gym memberships are also sometimes a perk of the job. You may also have to work quite long shifts as a policeman. In fact, you will have to decide when it will be appropriate to use your gun and when there will be no need for it. In turn, many officers are simply not able to process those experiences in an emotionally healthy manner and will suffer from mental problems like depression later on in their lives. This is not only quite sad, it also makes the job of police officers much more difficult since people often just no longer comply with the commands of policemen. Officers get to work on an individual basis as well as in a team environment. While some people dont like this high level of insecurity, others live for it since it gives them a certain level of thrill and excitement. In fact, there is plenty of hate around on the streets and you will no longer experience the level of respect previous police officer generations got from the general public. Lexipol. Following several deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police, President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order on June 16 that calls for increased training and credentialing to reduce the use of excessive force by police. Officers genuinely care about making a positive impact in their community. If you are looking for a fast-paced, exciting career that will allow you to make a difference in your community, you may enjoy being a police officer. After reading this article, you will get more aware of all the chances and dangers of becoming a police officer and you may even change your mind due to that. Consequently, your family and friends will likely also have an easier time in their daily lives in general. The more ambitious you are, the more people you can help and this can give you a feeling of having a purpose in life. In the long run, officers are becoming physically and mentally stronger, which helps to ward off depression and disease. See disclaimer. 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Officers utilize their discretion on the job constantly, as they make decisions while performing routine duties, while in the heat of the moment, and while they are alone with no partner or backup to consult with. 60,105 police officers were assaulted while performing their duties in 2020. 7. Many policemen stay awake at night and think about the bad things that they have experienced during the day. However, the majority of the general public is still thankful for the help and security police officers ensure on our streets. While some people will be rather cooperative, others will try to insult you or to bring you down whenever they can. Disadvantages of Security Officers. Thus, make sure that you are willing to work hard if you really aspire to a police officer career. Many people also greatly underestimate the stress that comes along with being a police officer. I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice. This is quite sad and I just want to give people a more objective picture of how a fulfilling career could look like. Since enough sleep is crucial for our body and our brain to work properly, sleep deprivation can lead to many serious health issues and also significantly decreases overall quality of life. They also get paid for family leave, sick leave, vacation and long-term disabilities. In murder cases, an aggravating factor might include whether the defendant committed the crime in an especially heinous, cruel, or depraved manner. Police officers work long hours, often with irregular shifts, including night shifts. Police discretion is used while officers are performing their official day-to-day duties. Officers are afforded the opportunity to use their best judgement and knowledge to make decisions. The 2015 task force recommended community and problem-oriented policing strategies as ways to strengthen police-community relations and better respond to crime and other social problems. Being a police officer can be incredibly rewarding. What makes us this way? Here are the top recognized benefits of community policing: Improved officer morale: The national narrative around policing has had a significantly negative impact on However, I will not take any responsibility for incorrect information and will not be liable for any negative consequences that might occur due to the reliance on this information. As a police officer, you will also have to deal with many difficult family problems and you will generally see the worst of humanity. They are also terminated less frequently for misconduct and less likely to use force. Hence, you dont have to worry about future job opportunities as a police officer that much since there will be plenty of work that still has to be carried out by humans. and manufacturers. As a police officer, you will also have to rely on the support of your colleagues. You can get our highlights each weekend. In fact, night shifts are rather common and if you dont want to work at night, you should just go for another occupation instead. Advantages of Being a Police OfficerPolice officers enjoy a high reputation in society. Cops never get bored. Police officers have a high fitness level. Many police officers have an inner motivation to do good for others. Your colleagues will become your second family. Police officers can earn a decent salary. Good future job prospects. You learn how to deal with people. More items Lexipol. Quite often, you will also spend your leisure together and some police officers even spend plenty of time together after they retire. Furthermore, the use of discretion helps to foster police and judicial economy. Police officers usually also get more money if they work on weekends, in the nighttime or on holidays. Racing through traffic to crime scenes, risking being shot and approaching unsuspecting criminals are just some of the daily activities that make being a police officer dangerous. Thus, especially if you are a rather skeptic person who doesnt like to rely on others for such important things, becoming a police officer may also not be the right way to go for you. Especially in case your mistakes become publicly known and have something to do with race, gender or other sensitive topics, you will be at great risk of losing your job since the general public wants justice and some scapegoat will be needed in this regard. The disadvantages of police officer discretion are that it can escalate a situation or violate someone's rights if applied improperly. In fact, you will spend plenty of time together and will be able to talk about myriads of different topics. They do not find comic relief in a tragedy. However, it can also be a dangerous, stressful and difficult job. While some people like this insecurity since they get a certain level of excitement out of it, others who need a structured day hate it and if you are the kind of person who wants to play way ahead, chances are that becoming a police officer will just not be the right way to go for you. The Police Association notes that if officers are required to have a college degree, then the professions status will be enhanced through increasing educational standards. In fact, teamwork is key during your operations and if you have colleagues that dont have your back, you may even lose your life due to that. It is a curse and a blessing. Over the past years, there has also been a trend of people losing respect for the police. However, the police have to use their discretion when deciding to perform a search. A high fitness level is crucial to maintain a high quality of life and therefore, becoming a police officer can also improve your life in general. Many children dream of becoming a police officer. In addition to the personal satisfaction that you gain, you will receive a competitive salary as well as a number of other benefits. The order did not mention the need for police to get a college education, even though higher education was identified in the 2015 Presidents Task Force on 21st Century Policing as one of six effective ways to reduce crime and build better relations between police and the communities they serve. You When the police perform their official duties, there is a certain level of discretion they must use. Resources in the criminal justice system are limited and must be used efficiently. Police officers run the risk of misinterpreting a statute and violating someone's rights. Police Subculture Overview & Examples | What is Police Subculture? Among street-level officers who have the most interaction with the public, having a bachelors degree significantly increases commitment to community policing. Police Corruption Examples, Types & History | What is Police Corruption? Secure .gov websites use HTTPS - Definition, Qualifications & Responsibilities, The Office for Victims of Crime: History, Role & Purpose, Discrimination within Police Departments: Law, Incidents & Impact, The Impact of State Prosecutors on Police Practices, The History & Impact of Policing in America, Jury Selection Process | Trial, Civil Cases & Litigation, The U.S. Court Systems & History | Overview & Purpose of the Dual-Court System. Consequently, the police officer must decide on their own in the particular moment what to do. Hence, make sure that you are able and willing to deal with all this negativity before deciding for becoming a police officer. Being a police officer also includes writing police reports and doing other paperwork, so it may not be a source of constant thrills. Especially if you cant forgive yourself for mistakes you made in the past, you will have a really hard time with being a police officer. It is also not that easy to become a police officer. It also allows the police officer to quickly interpret the applicable statutory law and then act upon the determination. Our ethics and morals have been tossed out the window and replaced with disconnect and desensitized human shells. [Youre smart and curious about the world. Police officers can keep their neighborhoods safe, Police officers get high levels of responsibility, Plenty of different fields you can work in, You learn how to deal with difficult people, Police officers get action on a regular basis, You will become really good friends with your colleagues, Most police officers have a high fitness level, Police officers can retire relatively early, Many people have lost respect for the police, You can lose your job due to one big mistake, Being a police officer is not the safest job, Police officers have to work at nighttime, Many police officers suffer from sleeping problems, Some police officers cant deal with events from the past, Especially problematic if you have to work in bad neighborhoods, Police officers have to deal with plenty of paperwork, Top 10 Being a Policeman Pros & Cons Summary List, salary, prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, duties, responsibilities, work-life balance and job satisfaction of police officers, 10 Smart Things To Do After Failing An Art Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing An Economics Degree, 18 Things To Do After Failing Your Communication Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Education Degree, 19 Things To Do After Failing Your Engineering Degree, 19 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Biology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Psychology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Business Degree, 33 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Casino Dealer, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being An Underwriter, 30 Noble Pros & Cons Of Working For A Hedge Fund, 32 Nerdy Pros & Cons Of Being A Data Scientist, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Loan Officer. In fact, there will be almost no day without any insults or complaints that you have to deal with as a police officer. Thus, before deciding for a career as police officer, make sure that you are mentally stable enough to deal with those pictures in your head that will not look pretty most of the time. Imagine that Officer Bob is on patrol in an area known for drug trafficking. In fact, especially if you have children, it can be quite hard to go to work as a police officer since you know that you might never come back and so do your children and your wife. An aggravating factor is an aspect of crime that increases an act's severity and culpability. Variety of duties*. Policing is a very interesting job and the situations officers face change constantly. Some exposures to police work change us for the better and others for the worse. All rights reserved. Police discretion is an officer's freedom to make decisions on the job. One benefit of being a police officer is that you will have a pretty good standing in society. Many police officers are also not happy with their overall working environment. Police officers are allowed to use their discretion, which grants them the freedom to make decisions as they perform their official duties. Gaylene Armstrong receives funding from various state and federal granting agencies in support of criminal justice research. Policemen not only have to work at nighttime, they also have to work on holidays. He uses his own discretion to make this decision. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. There are advantages to police discretion, such as allowing officers the flexibility to perform their job, allowing officers to make quick determinations when applying statutory law, and fostering judicial economy. Since police officers enjoy a high reputation among the general public, they often get additional perks. Proactive Policing Strategies & Examples | What is Proactive Policing? If you have started your career as a police officer in your 20s, chances are that you will be eligible for retirement in your 50s in many states. As an associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon or other programs. The various decisions that different participants in the legal system are allowed to make shows what forms discretion takes in criminal justice. Professionalism in the police force has several positive impacts that include good service to the public, better pay for the constables, ethical conduct, strong community support as well as respect and a stronger role in a Criminal Justice System. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_13',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Yes, there are people who simply dont like them. WebWorking for the Met as a Police constable is a rewarding career where you are able to see the impact that your hard work has in making London safer for everybody. Another problem with being a police officer is that you can also lose your job due to only one big mistake. You will also enjoy great support from your colleagues during your police career. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 As a police officer, you will also become really good friends with your colleagues over time. You still want to become a police officer? In fact, unlawful behavior doesnt care about holidays too much and you as a police officer have to chase the bad guys on holidays as well. Discretion fosters judicial economy. Being a police officer assures financial security. If your colleagues make mistakes, you could potentially lose your life. 2017 shooting of an unarmed youth. Some disadvantages of empowering private police with full police authority are the attraction which such authority holds for many undesirable candidates, the risk of increasing unnecessary arrests, limited constitutional restraints on private security employees compared to public police, the increased liability of government entities for actions of private security officers they have licensed, the risk of inequitable enforcement, and expanded administrative responsibilities for municipal governments licensing private police. Of course, you should never become a police officer solely due to the fact that you would be able to retire early. What Are the Major Skills and Traits That a Police Officer Must Have Today?Communication Skills. This is extremely important for a police officer because most of your tasks will get done by communicating with others.Writing Skills. Police officers often need to write incidents reports. Active Listen er. Ability to Obtain Knowledge. Adaptability. Attention to Details. Critical Thinking. Friendly. Empathy and Compassion. More items In fact, you will spend a significant fraction of your day as a police officer writing reports and documenting how things have happened and if you are not willing to do this kind of paperwork, you may want to search for other job opportunities instead. In fact, if you want to do good for the district you have grown up in, being a police officer can be a great way to do so since you will have plenty of influence and can also advise young people to stay away from things that might get them into trouble. Giving officers the power to make determinations on the job without having to seek approval or permission frees up human and monetary resources. Wanna make a contribution to save our environment? We are selective of where we dine. Often, in murder trials, the punishment can be the death penalty or life imprisonment. Cop humor is often misunderstood, brash, or downright disgusting. In Texas, a police officer was fired, charged with murder, and sentenced to a $10,000 fine and 15 years in prison after body-worn camera footage contradicted his initial statement in the Apr. You may not only lose your job, you may even have to pay high fines and this could ruin you also from a financial perspective. Whether it is a call to action in the line of duty or a personal crisis, the blue family will be there for one another come hell or high water. College-educated officers are also less likely to shoot their guns. It can be a great alternative to a boring desk job. You should really be convinced about it and should take your mission quite seriously. Consequently, those wrong decisions can really break you in the long run since you will know that a better choice of you could have saved lives and many police officers simply cant deal with those things in an emotionally proper manner. While you will not get rich in most cases, you will still be able to provide a decent life for you and your family. If the judge decides on life imprisonment, they can decide whether or not the convicted party will ever get the chance for parole, and after how many years they will be eligible for parole. Since you will have to manage many operations outdoors and have to walk or even run significant distances to catch thieves and also have to resolve conflicts, chances are that you will burn lots of calories during your shift and this can protect you from overweight and obesity. Great! There is just that much insecurity involved in this job that you will never know when you are called to the next operation. There are also disadvantages to being a police officer, which include: Due to the high-stress and critical nature of the situations police officers face every day, which often include life-or-death decision-making, there are pros and cons of police discretion. Additionally, one study found that police departments that required at least a two-year degree for officers had a lower rate of officers assaulted by civilians compared to departments that did not require college degrees. Consequently, if you are not willing to take this risk, you should definitely go for a different career path instead. Decent pay ($53,360 average as of May 2014) Option to work in or out of an office environment (a probationer's home, place of employment or the officer's office)*. Police1 is revolutionizing the way the law enforcement community An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. We cant sit still nor do we seem to have the mindset at times to settle down at home. Many officers would say humor buffers the shroud of reality we face in societal problems. Police officers are called upon to think quickly and handle difficult emergency situations and, in some instances, save lives. Being a police officer also means that you will face a high level of insecurity regarding how your day will really look like. The use of discretion allows the police officer the flexibility necessary to perform their job. In fact, many police officers see things during their career that are that disgusting that they have difficulties to mentally process and to forget them their whole lives. In fact, it is not easy at all to be a police officer and to deal with all the emotional burden that comes along with it. So daily we are exposed to human misery and conflict which gives us a very narrow version of society. List of the Advantages of Police Discretion 1. However, while you can do a great job for your community, it can be quite annoying and exhausting to work at nighttime. Read several examples of police discretion in use. Private Law Enforcement: Types, Functions & Roles. This could mean that you will not be able to celebrate Christmas or other important holidays with your family and your kids will be quite sad and may even resent you for that in the long run. To be clear, school resource officers (SROs) are sworn police officers and not security guards. My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues. Probation officers supervise criminal offenders who have been sentenced to a period of probation rather than incarceration. Moreover, you will also learn how to read people and this is crucial to succeeding not only as police officer, but also in various other parts of your life. You will never know what happens during your shift and every operation could potentially be the last one for you. Educated law enforcement professionals will be better equipped to lead much-needed reform efforts. You may start your career as normal patrolman, but you can get promoted pretty soon if you are ambitious enough and are willing to put in the work. Nicolet is also a certified nutrition, wellness and weight-management consultant with American Fitness Professionals and Associates. The job is simply too hard for that and you would just not become happy if you dont have an inner motivation for it.

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advantages and disadvantages of being a police officer
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