nigeria resistance to colonial rule
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nigeria resistance to colonial rulenigeria resistance to colonial rule

nigeria resistance to colonial rule nigeria resistance to colonial rule

Armed resistance decreased in the 1920s but protest continued, "characterised by civil rights and civil . [65], Half of all taxes went to the colonial government and half went to the Native Treasury. Decolonization Resource Collection (National History Center) Less Scrambling, more Reflecting: Teaching about colonialism in Africa from the perspective of resistance by Bram Hubbel, February 9, 2019. A lack of interest in extending the NPC beyond the Northern Region corresponded to this strictly regional orientation. NEPU formed a parliamentary alliance with the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC). Whereas Lugard had applied lessons learned in the north to the administration of the south, Clifford was prepared to extend to the north practices that had been successful in the south. It was guerrilla warfare in the case of the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya (1952-60) and Zimbabwe's war of independence (1965-79); it was all . Although colonial rule appeared secure in the first two decades of the 20th century, the British struggled to keep control of their Nigerian colony and continued to do so until Nigeria became independent in 1960. The protest began in the Central Africa to 1964. Instead, acts of resistance were usually prompted by some new colonial policy - like taking away land, or forcing people to pay a tax, or forcing them to work for free on roads or railways. Colonial Nigeria was the area of West Africa that became the modern day Nigeria, during the time of British rule in the 19th and 20th centuries. Thanks. 57-100 discuss issues of resistance and collaboration. The Resident also oversaw a Provincial Court at the region's capital. Park reached the upper Niger the next year by travelling inland from the Gambia River. He was prepared to introduce educational and economic changes to strengthen the north. Anietie A. Inyang & Manasseh Edidem Bassey, "Imperial Treaties and the Origins of British Colonial Rule in Southern Nigeria, 18601890". Indigenous Resistance to New Colonialism. [59], Following the order recommended by the Niger Committee, the Colonial Office merged Lagos Colony and the Southern Nigeria Protectorate on 1 May 1906, forming a larger protectorate (still called the Southern Nigeria Protectorate) which spanned the coastline between Dahomey and Cameroon. Effects/Impact of Colonialism on Nigeria 1. Quiz. Olatunji Ojo, "The Organization of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Yorubaland, ca.1777 to ca.1856", Bouda Etemad, "Economic relations between Europe and Black Africa, Giles D. Short, "Blood and Treasure: The reduction of Lagos, 1851", "Northern Nigeria: The Illo Canceller and Borgu Mail" by Ray Harris in. Native Administration was responsible for police, hospitals, public works and local courts. The Igbo redirected slaves into the domestic economy, especially to grow the staple food crop, yams, in northern Igboland for marketing throughout the palm-tree belt. Pre-colonial southern Nigeria was an _____ societey. Du Bois. The council was headed by a Governor. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1213. In the 1700s, the British Empire and other European powers had settlements and forts in West Africa but had not yet established the full-scale plantation colonies which existed in the Americas. Vice consuls were assigned to ports that already had concluded treaties of cooperation with the Foreign Office. Many changes accompanied British rule: Western education, the English language, and Christianity spread during the period; new forms of money, transportation, and communication were developed; and the Nigerian economy became based on the export of cash crops. [40] By 1893, most of the other political entities in Yorubaland recognised the practical necessity of signing another treaty with the British, this one explicitly joining them with the protectorate of Lagos. The experiment began in 1890 and was repealed in 1939,[71]. The British Empire, once known as "the empire where the sun never sets," is the most powerful political entity in the history of the world. History of Islam in Nigeria. The militias and RWAFF battalions were reorganized into the RWAFF Nigeria Regiment.[62]. [35] However, the company did accept that local kings could act as partners in governance and trade. Under the Political Department of the Civil Service were Residents and District Officers, responsible for overseeing operations in each region. After the Willink Commission examined and reported on this issue in 1958, independence was granted. The colonisers decided to use divide and rule method . [45], A campaign against the Sokoto Caliphate began in 1900 with the creation of the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria, under the direction of Governor Lugard. The superior weapons, tactics and political unity of the British are commonly given as reasons for their decisive ultimate victory. The British, like other newcomers to the slave trade, found . The large companies that subsequently opened depots in the delta cities and in Lagos were as ruthlessly competitive as the delta towns themselves and frequently used force to compel potential suppliers to agree to contracts and to meet their demands. By the 1820s, the British had made connections . In 1929, this incident in Nigeria later became one of the reasons for the fight against colonial rule in Africa A) The Nigerian Oil crisis B) The Aba Women's Revolt C) . Ethnic cleavages intensified in the 1950s. "Specifically, the Company sought to secure the cooperation of the traditional rulers in ensuring peaceful conditions for trade. The decrease in trade indirectly led to the collapse of states like the Edo Empire. Initial British attempts to open trade with the interior by way of the Niger could not overcome climate and diseases such as malaria. In the year 1901, Nigeria officially became a part of the huge British Empire. It continued to enjoy special privileges and maintained a de facto monopoly over commerce. It was a resistance movement whereby women in the Eastern Provinces of the British colony of Nigeria intended to reverse colonial policies that intruded on their political, economic, and social participation in local communities. The French had abolished slavery following the French Revolution, although it briefly re-established it in its Caribbean colonies under Napoleon. Economic Impact The [] The company's major imports to the area included gin and low-quality firearms. Newspapers, some of which were published before World War I, provided coverage of nationalist views. Hogendorn. Any activity in the north that might include participation by the federal government (and consequently by southern civil servants) was regarded as a challenge to the primacy of the emirates. Missionary forces demanded prohibition of liquor, which proved highly unpopular. Taxes became a source of discontent in the south, however, and contributed to disturbances protesting British policy. The pulpits of the independent congregations became avenues for the free expression of critics of colonial rule. [12] Trade was also conducted through a mechanism of barter and credit. British influence in the Niger area increased gradually over the . [77] Its revenue quickly increased, from 4,424 in 1901 to 274,989 in 1910. Although Nigeria came under the British charter in 1885 and was . The British, when faced with dissent, tended to grant political reforms in an effort to dispel the attractiveness of more-radical . Falola, Toyin, Ann Genova, and Matthew M. Heaton. Regional administrations also varied widely in the quality of local personnel and in the scope of the operations they were willing to undertake. The Governor-General represented the British monarch as head of state and was appointed by the Crown on the advice of the Nigerian prime minister in consultation with the regional premiers. The Niger Delta and Calabar, which once had been known for the export of slaves, became notable for the export of palm oil. Algeria fought back and eventually was granted self rule and nigeria was put down and never got independance. The cleavage between the Yoruba and the Igbo was accentuated by their competition for control of the political machinery. As a historical event, anticolonialism means the struggle against imperial rule in colonized countries, mostly during the first half of the twentieth century. He was contemptuous of the educated and Westernised African elite found more in the South, and he recommended transferring the capital from Lagos, the cosmopolitan city where the influence of these people was most pronounced, to Kaduna in the north. David Richardson, "Background to annexation: Anglo-African credit relations in the Bight of Biafra, 17001891"; in Ptr-Grenouilleau. In large measure, European missionaries assumed the value of colonial rule in terms of promoting education, health and welfare measures, thereby effectively reinforcing colonial policy. Read published a Memorandum on British possessions in West Africa, which remarked upon the "inconvenient and unscientific boundaries" between Lagos Colony, the Niger Coast Protectorate and the Royal Niger Company. Most Europeans tended to overlook their own differences and were surprised and shocked that Nigerians wanted to develop new denominations independent of European control. The southern nationalists were inspired by a variety of sources, including such prominent American-based activists as Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Nigerians also requested more political representation. Nigeria is a country in West Africa and was colonized by the British in 1884 during a slave trade (Alme). An extensive immigrant population of southerners, especially Igbo, already were living in the north; they dominated clerical positions and were active in many trades. He shows that, long before the growth of a mass independence movement in the wake of the second world war, there was considerable opposition to colonial rule. The Macpherson constitution, promulgated in 1951, provided for a central House of Representatives, but friction between the central and regional legislatures, related to the question of where supreme party authority lay, soon caused a breakdown. [72], The Influenza pandemic made its way to the port of Lagos by September 1918 by way of a number of ships including the SS Panayiotis, the SS Ahanti, and the SS Bida. Not wishing to appear out of control or weak, they approved the expedition (two days after it began) on 19 January 1903.,[47] In general, the Colonial Office allowed Lugard's expeditions to continue because they were framed as retaliatory and, as Olivier commented in 1906, "If the millions of people [in Nigeria] who do not want us there once get the notion that our people can be killed with impunity they will not be slow to attempt it."[48]. Joining the Royal Niger Company in 1894, Lugard was sent to Borgu to counter inroads made by the French, and in 1897 he was made responsible for raising the Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF) from local levies to serve under British officers. [46] Lugard was slow to describe these excursions to the Colonial Office, which apparently learned of preparations to attack Kano from the newspapers in December 1902. opposed early self-rule for colonial Nigeria on the ground of perceived domination by the southerners. Demanding immediate self-government, the Action Group was opposed by the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC), which was composed largely of northerners and headed by several leaders, including Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. In the long term, the acceptance of Christianity by large numbers of Nigerians depended on the various denominations adapting to local conditions. [61] John Anderson diplomatically suggested: If it is the necessity for formally submitting the drafts that hurts Sir F. Lugard, I should be quite prepared to omit that provision provided that the period of publication of the draft prior to enactment is extended from one month to two. The NPC was called on to form a government, but the NCNC received six of the ten ministerial posts. The delegation was led by Balewa of the NPC and included party leaders Awolowo of the Action Group, Azikiwe of the NCNC, and Bello of the NPC; they were also the premiers of the Western, Eastern and Northern regions, respectively. Following the defeat of an unsuccessful foray by Consul General James R. Phillips, a larger retaliatory force captured Benin City and drove Ovonramwen, the Oba of Benin, into exile. By a British Act of Parliament, Nigeria became independent on 1 October 1960. (During World War II they again served in East Africa, as well as in Burma [now Myanmar].) From Lugard's point of view, clear-cut military victories were necessary because the surrenders of the defeated peoples weakened resistance elsewhere. During World War II, three battalions of the Nigeria Regiment fought against Fascist Italy in the Ethiopian campaign. At the turn of the century, top wages were four bags of salt (company retail price, 3s 9d) for a month of work. It also means foreign rule on foreign lands. When direct Portuguese contacts in the region were withdrawn, however, the influence of the Catholic missionaries waned. Over the next decades as colonial rule became institutionalized, African resistance to colonialism became more focused and intense. [49], Concrete plans for transition to Crown ruledirect control by the British Governmentapparently began in 1897. Earlier elements related to this were its founding of the Sierra Leone Colony in 1787 as a refuge for freed slaves, the independent missionary movement intended to bring Christianity to the Edo Kingdom, and programs of exploration sponsored by learned societies and scientific groups, such as the London-based African Association. Namely, it possessed colonies on all continents. [54] Olivier was a member of the Fabian Society and a friend of George Bernard Shaw. In fact, while the southern delegates pressed for Some African Christian communities formed their own independent churches. Other Protestant denominations from Great Britain, Canada, and the United States also opened missions and, in the 1860s, Roman Catholic religious orders established missions. refusing to pay. The growth of Islam in pre-colonial Igbomina / Adesina Yusuf Raji. Frederick Lugard, who was appointed as High Commissioner of the Northern Nigeria Protectorate in 1900 and served until 1906 in his first term, often has been regarded by the British as their model colonial administrator. How did Algerias resistance to French control differ rom East africas resistance to German rule. [50] In the same year, the British created the Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF or WAFF), under the leadership of Colonel Frederick Lugard. Because of the hazards of climate and tropical diseases for Europeans and the absence of any centralized authorities on the mainland responsive to their interests, European merchants moored their ships outside harbours or in the delta, and used the ships as trading stations and warehouses. They, in turn, have by defeat lost their rule which has come into the hands of the British. After independence, tensions that had been building between two . In the 1920s, Nigerians began to form a variety of associations, such as professional and business associations, like the Nigerian Union of Teachers; the Nigerian Law Association, which brought together lawyers, many of whom had been educated in Britain; and the Nigerian Produce Traders' Association, led by Obafemi Awolowo. Its final leg enabled it to meet another line, constructed 19071911, running from Baro, through Minnia, to Kano. By the eighteenth century, evidence of Christianity had disappeared. [11], By the 1880s, the National African Company became the dominant commercial power, increasing from 19 to 39 stations between 1882 and 1893. Britain outlawed slavery in 1807 and pushed for forms of "legitimate commerce" such as palm oil and cotton, and in so doing developed an internal infrastructure to facilitate these markets. [42], The British had difficulty conquering Igboland, which lacked a central political organisation. vestigation of the forms of primary resistance by Africans to the impo-sition of colonial rule in the classic period of European imperialism, say from 1880 to 1914. Decolonization - Jan C. Jansen 2019-06-11 The end of colonial rule in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean was one of the most In addition to their economic grievances, they also called for the end of the reform of the native courts. In 1920, portions of former German Cameroon were mandated to Britain by the League of Nations and were administered as part of Nigeria. While initially organised for professional and fraternal reasons, these were centres of educated people who had chances to develop their leadership skills in the organisations, as well as form broad social networks. Its residents were employed in official capacities and were active in business. With this victory, the British went on to conquer the rest of Yorubaland, which had also been weakened by sixteen years of civil war. With the exception of Brandenburg-Prussia's short-lived attempt to gain a foothold on the West African coast and to participate in the 17th-century transatlantic slave trade, German colonialism began only in the 1880s. He used for the first time in Nigeria modern, sometimes flamboyant, electioneering techniques. In 1912, Lugard returned to Nigeria from his six-year term as Governor of Hong Kong, to oversee the merger of the northern and southern protectorates. I would encourage the society to resist by declaring a war against the Europeans. Lagos was annexed as a Crown Colony in 1861 via the Lagos Treaty of Cession.[30]. The proliferation of labour organisations fragmented the movement, and potential leaders lacked the experience and skill to draw workers together. Lugard's success in northern Nigeria has been attributed to his policy of indirect rule; that is, he governed the protectorate through the rulers defeated by the British. Its architecture was in both Victorian and Brazilian style, as many of the black elite were English-speakers from Sierra Leone and freedmen repatriated from the Empire of Brazil and Spanish Cuba. Nigerian units also contributed to two divisions serving with British forces in Palestine, Morocco, Sicily and Burma, where they won many honours. After the Napoleon war, the British tried to expand their colonial rule in Africa and began to establish trade tides with Nigeria in 1898. France sold Louisiana to the United States in 1803, the same year that it gave up on trying to regain Saint-Domingue from the Haitian Revolution. Play off ethnic and social divisions . The British turned to Persia for oil.[83]. Amalgamation of Nigeria was envisioned from early on in its governance, as is made clear by the report of the Niger Committee in 1898. Their common denominators tended to be based on newly assertive ethnic consciousness, particularly that of the Yoruba and Igbo. In the south the British occasionally created a political hierarchy where there had been none before; in most cases they ruled through those who were most malleable, whether these people had held traditional positions of authority or not. The southern protectorate was divided into two provinces in 1939Western and Easternand in 1954 they, along with the northern protectorate, were renamed the Western, Eastern, and Northern regions as part of Nigerias reconstruction into a federal state. A . In these territories, violent resistance brought colonial rule to a close. [31], In 1891, the consulate established the Niger Coast Protectorate Force or "Oil Rivers Irregulars".[32]. The Nigerian Legislative Council was established in 1914 and was given limited jurisdiction; it was replaced in 1922 by a larger one that included elected members from Lagos and Calabar, although its powers also were limited and the northern provinces remained outside its control. The approaches of the two men to colonial development were diametrically opposed. Crowther was succeeded as bishop by a British cleric. The operations of this force are still not fully known due to a policy of strict secrecy mandated by the British Government. Nigeria Table of Contents. Though the Europeans possess many considerable settlements both upon the coast of Africa and in the East Indies, they have not yet established in either of those countries such numerous and thriving colonies as those in the islands and continent of America. The impact of colonialism in Nigeria could be discussed under political, economic, social, educational and religious aspects. The Action Group was largely the creation of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, General Secretary of Egbe Omo Oduduwa and leader of the Nigerian Produce Traders' Association. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1315. [58], Some of these public work projects were accomplished with the help of forced labour from native black Africans, referred to as "Political Labour". Out of reverence for traditional kingship, for instance, the Oba of Benin, whose office was closely identified with Edo religion, was accepted as the sponsor of a Yoruba political movement. During his six-year tenure as High Commissioner, Sir Frederick Lugard (as he became in 1901) was occupied with transforming the commercial sphere of influence inherited from the Royal Niger Company into a viable territorial unit under effective British political control. rebellion. Although churchmen in Britain had been influential in the drive to abolish the slave trade, significant missionary activity for Africa did not develop until the 1840s. The CMS initially promoted Africans to responsible positions in the mission field; for instance, they appointed Samuel Ajayi Crowther as the first Anglican Bishop of the Niger. Some European traders switched to legitimate business only when the commerce in slaves became too hazardous. Dike, K. O. The staff of this office came primarily from the British upper-middle classi.e., university-educated men, primarily not nobility, with fathers in well-respected professions. It is not a unitary state with local government areas but with one Central Executive and one Legislature. From January 1914 onwards, the newly united colony and protectorate was presided over by a proconsul, who was entitled the Governor-General of Nigeria. Significantly, Macauley's NNDP remained almost entirely a Lagos party, popular only in the area whose people already had experience in elective politics. Nigerian students abroad, particularly at British schools, joined those from other colonies in pan-African groups such as the West African Students Union, founded in London in 1925. In 1960, the country attained independence from British rule. The movement brought to public notice a long list of future leaders, including H.O. Revolts in against water rates and the alienation of indigenous land in 1908 and 1911 served to unite native African elites and working class residents. The NPC, entering candidates only in the Northern Region, confined campaigning largely to local issues but opposed the addition of new regimes. By the end of World War I, most of Africa had been effectively colonized. Critics, including representatives of the Middle Belt who resented Muslim domination, were relegated to small, peripheral parties or to inconsequential separatist movements.[85]. In 1944 Macaulay and Nnamdi Azikiwe, an Igbo who had been educated in the United States, united more than 40 different groups to establish the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC). The Action Group, which staged a lively campaign, favoured stronger government and the establishment of three new states while advocating the creation of a West Africa Federation that would unite Nigeria with Ghana and Sierra Leone. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 8(04), 563. doi:10.1017/s0022278x00023909, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 05:21. The company received 865,000 compensation for the loss of its Charter. Although realistic in its assessment of the situation in Nigeria, the Richards Constitution undoubtedly intensified regionalism as an alternative to political unification. It soon gained a virtual monopoly over trade along the River[11]. In 1957, the Western and the Eastern regions became formally self-governing under the parliamentary system. [16] Starting in 1740, the British were the primary European slave trafficker from this area. [67], This system, in which the structure of authority focused on the emir to whom obedience was a mark of religious devotion, did not welcome change. The risings in the midwest of Nigeria and the Niger delta during the early stages of the war cannot be understood except in the context of falling prices for palm products, and the drop in trade due to the exclusion of the . In one year, Lugard recruited 2600 troops, evenly split between Hausa and Yoruba. This rate rose to 20,000 per year in the last quarter of the century. Individuals could be fined or jailed for refusing to comply.[12]. [36], The company, as was common among European businesses in Africa, paid its native workers in barter. In 1922 Kamerun was divided under a League of Nations mandate between France and Britain, Britain administering its area within the government of Nigeria; after 1946 the mandated areas were redesignated as a United Nations (UN) trust territory. Modern nationalists in the south, whose thinking was shaped by European ideas, opposed indirect rule, as they believed that it had strengthened what they considered an anachronistic ruling class and shut out the emerging Westernised elite. He argued that the division into two separate colonies was advisable unless a stronger central government could bind Nigeria into more than just an administrative convenience for the three regions. European slave trading from West Africa began before 1650, with people taken at a rate of about 3,000 per year. He also led the Nigerian National Democratic Party, which dominated elections in Lagos from its founding in 1922 until the ascendancy of the National Youth Movement in 1938. Men such as Balewa believed that only by overcoming political and economic backwardness could the NPC protect the foundations of traditional northern authority against the influence of the more advanced south. Nigeria's potential in the Post-Colonial Era. RESISTANCE. [56], Walter Egerton's sixfold agenda for 1908, as detailed on 29 November 1907, in a telegram to the Colonial Office, is representative of British priorities. All these things which I have said the Fulani by conquest took the right to do now pass to the British. But in the 1700s, the Bight of Benin (also known as the Slave Coast) became the next most important hub. . 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nigeria resistance to colonial rule
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