which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?
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which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?

which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?

The Fourth After a suspect asserts his or her Miranda rights, questioning: When a suspect makes an involuntary statement, his or her statement will not be admissible in a criminal trial to prove guilt. Express Appointment of counsel if needed If a defendant is charged with an offense other than a petty offense, a magistrate judge must conduct a preliminary hearing unless: (1) the defendant waives the hearing; (2) the defendant is indicted; (3) the government files an information under Rule 7 (b) charging the defendant with a felony; b. An officer pursuing a speeding vehicle causes a fatal collision with a 3rd vehicle B. c. By allowing the defendant to be present The Supreme Court sanctioned vehicle inventories in: The balancing test used to justify administrative searches involves weighing citizen's privacy interests with the government's interest in: he police may search ________ during the course of a vehicle inventory. With regard to how soon the initial appearance must take place after arrest, delays of how much time are usually unacceptable? Have probable cause that the item is contraband. b. The Fifth Amendment c. To protect powerful people from damaging public prosecution d. Right to have counsel present ________ are permissible if, among other requirements, they follow standard departmental operating procedures. c. Accused is required to accept extraordinary condition of probation b. Dangerousness a. Re-prosecuted after acquittal. a. e. Pro se, Which of the following is NOT a reason for failing to prosecute? d. All of the above. c. Refuse to accept the plea b. Which case the Christian burial case in which the Supreme Court held that the police violated the suspect's Sixth Amendment rights by deliberately engaging in conduct designed to elicit incriminating information? c. 18 15A-606 (a) and (d). . a. c. During d. A mere conversation between police officers designed to elicit an incriminating response. a. c. Should be avoided. The present study surveyed judges on the following six standards: 1) reasonable articulable suspicion; 2) probable cause; 3) preponderance of the evidence; 4) substantial probability; 5) clear and convincing evidence; and 6) beyond a reasonable doubt. a. e. All of the above. Allows the prosecution to overcharge When a prosecutor charges on individual simply because the individual is exercising his or her constitutional rights, it is known as ________ prosecution. d. Gideon v. Wainwright, The constitutionally guaranteed protection against ________ is designed to ensure that a person who has been convicted or acquitted of a crime is not tried or punished for the same offense more than once. d. All of the above are criticisms of plea bargaining. d. The exclusionary rule does not apply in A, B, or C, D) The exclusionary rule does not apply in A, B, or C. The first Supreme Court decision that clearly established an exclusionary rule under the Fourth Amendment was: The exception to the exclusionary rule provides that when an honest mistake is made during the course of a search or a seizure, any subsequently obtained evidence will be considered admissible. Which of the following are rights enjoyed by people who are under grand jury investigation? Great Fender, which uses a standard cost accounting system, manufactured 20,000 boat fenders during the year, using 144,000 feet of extruded vinyl purchased at $1.05 per square foot. probable cause: Apparent facts discovered through logical inquiry that would lead a reasonably intelligent and prudent person to believe that an accused person has committed a crime, thereby warranting his or her prosecution, or that a Cause of Action has accrued, justifying a civil lawsuit. The Supreme Court has ruled that the right to an impartial judge is guaranteed by the ________ Amendment. Offsetting court costs delays of how much time are usually unacceptable? a. d. Allows prosecution to deal with case backlog, Which of the following is NOT an argument against plea bargaining? c. Selective prosecution c. It must be voluntary d. All of the above 6. Which of the following can be said about stop and frisk? This means that the officer must: b. c. Robberies d. All of the above, The right to compulsory process provides that the accused can: Eight At which point in time past the crime will a showup usually be considered invalid? Reasonable Getting a warrant would be inconvenient and costly. In the wake of Terry v. Ohio, the Supreme Court has handed down a number of decisions that have: Which of the following can be considered characteristics of drug couriers? 60 c. Combining d. All of the above, In which of the following ways is the right to confrontation manifested? Whether or not similarly situated individuals are prosecuted d. Petty thefts. d. All of the above, A grand jury subpoena ad testificandum: Accused is required to accept extraordinary condition of probation The accused enjoys ________ during identification procedures. c. Is important in relation to the Fifth Amendment's self -incrimination clause. The reasons for grand jury secrecy include each of the following, EXCEPT to: The right to a grand jury can be found in which constitutional amendment? A rule of exclusion. Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? c. Financial status After a suspect asserts his or her Miranda rights, questioning: d. Off limits to the prosecution, Prosecutors are part of what branch of government? a. Criminal cases in which the penalty for a single offense exceeds six months. b. The Supreme Court in Yick Wo v. Hopkins addressed the issue of: If a prosecutor's charging decision is motivated by revenge, this is known as: The recourse for dealing with overzealous prosecutors includes which of the following state bar consequences? d. An advisement of the right against self-incrimination, Which of the following usually takes place after a pretrial release decision has been made? When a suspect makes an involuntary statement, his or her statement will not be admissible in a criminal trial to prove guilt. c. The witness's description is accurate. b. Protection from double jeopardy a. Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? Answer to Question 1 If an arrest warrant is issued based on a judge's determination as to whether probable cause existed. Criminal prosecution 1 Exclusion of evidence seized during the illegal arrest 2 Removal of the arrest from the record 3 Possibly a civil lawsuit for damages (usually only when an arrestee was physically hurt) Timing for Probable Cause Hearings Prompt action can be important for probable cause hearings. a. A) Unavailability of a magistrate B) Unavoidable delays in transporting the suspect C) Waiting for the presence of the arresting officer D) Gathering additional evidence against the accused Question 2 The initial appearance is sometimes called a (n): e. All of the above 77. A single trial a. What is the appropriate level of proof for showing a valid Miranda waiver? McLaughlin, 500 U.S. 44 (1991), was a United States Supreme Court case which involved the question of within what period of time must a suspect arrested without a warrant (warrantless arrests) be brought into court to determine if there is probable cause for holding the suspect in custody. No hearing to determine probable cause after such an arrest is necessary because it would be redundant. Unavoidable delays in transporting the suspect c. Waiting for the presence of the arresting officer d. Gathering additional evidence against the accused 18 U.S.C. \hspace{10pt}\text{\$693,000}&\\ b. The purpose of the hearing is to allow a criminal defendant to challenge the veracity of an affidavit used by the police to obtain a search warrant, The execution of a search warrant must normally be, A. There is no universally accepted definition or formulation for probable cause. b. c. Waiting for the presence of the arresting officer An overly suggestive lineup violates what amendment. The right to be free from government retaliation Hearing loss is defined as one of three types: Conductive (involves outer or middle ear) Sensorineural (involves inner ear) Mixed (combination of the two) Article 30 of the Criminal Procedure Act is dedicated to the probable cause hearing and sets out the procedure for holding one. a. Undermines the integrity of the judicial system a. A. Preliminary hearing CAROLUS J . The offense must have been committed in the officer's presence. A frisk must be supported by reasonable suspicion that the suspect is: The modern fresh pursuit doctrine allows an officer to pursue and arrest outside his jurisdiction. Guilty The Hearing Officer is assigned to the Parole Revocation Hearing Unit and is thereby neutral and detached from the supervision of the offender. Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? Legislative . The Fourth Amendment The constitutionally guaranteed protection against ________ is designed to ensure that a person who has been convicted or acquitted of a crime is not tried or punished for the same offense more than once. Criminal cases in which the penalty for a single offense exceeds six months a. Entrapment \text{Equipment, estimated service life, 5 years; salvage value, \$15,000}& 3142(e). Which of the following are activities associated with booking? 6 When a witness identifies the suspect for the first time in court, this is best known as: Which of the following constitutional provisions place(s) restrictions on identification procedures? Right to a reasonable punishment The Sixth Which of the following can be considered administrative searches? Amador v. What justification is necessary in order to compel a person who is already in custody to participate in a lineup? a. The first hearing is the preliminary or probable cause hearing. c. Not guilty Which of the following is NOT an appropriate consideration in setting bail? 70 d. Right to a reasonable punishment (a) If the defendant does not waive indictment and trial by jury but does waive a hearing as to probable cause, the court shall forthwith bind the defendant over to await final determination of the cause. The Court supports it but requires that certain procedures be followed Which description is not particularly described? b. a. Double jeopardy occurs when, for the same offense, a person is: c. Most defendants plead guilty anyway an inability to speak in short sentences by the age of 3 years. Which constitutional amendment gives the accused the right to a speedy and public trial? A state prosecutor's decision NOT to file a case can be challenged by the: If a prosecutor's decision to bring charges is discriminatory in nature, this is known as: Prosecution that impacts certain groups (e.g., minorities. c. Nolo prosequi Free of felony convictions a. Which of the following can be considered administrative searches? Pretend that month ago you created a list of five goods and services that high school students commonly consume. d. The judge will make a bail decision. The Fourteenth Amendment d. Federal judicial circuits, The right to an impartial jury stems from which constitutional amendment? c. Suspension from law practice Probable Cause Hearings. Present evidence Which standard of justification adopts a balancing approach, weighing the interests of individuals with the interests of society? 24 Physical evidence obtained in violation of Miranda is admissible, as long as the information supplied by the accused is: Not obtained in violation of the Fifth Amendment. The United States Supreme Court has ruled what is the minimum number of jurors needed to comply with constitutional requirements in a criminal case. a. d. Indictment, The courts consider which of the following in deciding whether a prosecution is selective? Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? Which credit policy produces the highest value for Muscarella Corporation? 15A-611 (c); Coleman v. Alabama, 399 U.S. 1 (1970); G.S. b. c. Paperwork will be completed Use subpoenas. Custody is defined by the Supreme Court as: b. Which of the following items is not required on a search warrant form? A person has been deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way. A pat-down of the suspect's outer clothing. The question of whether joinder is appropriate is usually best resolved trial. Prosecutor offers reduction in charges 924(c). The right to counsel in criminal prosecutions has both ________ and Sixth Amendment origins. d. None of the above, For a guilty plea to be based in fact, it must be based on: Federal government a. a. a. c. Parole revocation hearings. d. Acquitted, For a waiver of a jury trial to be valid, it must be: Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? a. Netincome(inthousands)Weightedaveragenumberofsharesoutstanding(inthousands)BasicDiluted2013$1,456,091702,987713,4562012$1,200,472687,910699,012. a. d. All of the above, Reasons for a defendant's decision to contest a guilty plea include: The reasons for grand jury secrecy include each of the following, EXCEPT to: Which of the following is NOT a reason for grand jury secrecy? d. All of the above, a. In which case did the Supreme Court hold that the accused is entitled to protection against procedures so unnecessarily suggestive and conducive to irreparable mistaken identification as to amount to a due process violation? The preliminary hearing serves as a check on: The prosecution is only bound to disclose exculpatory evidence that would have what probability of changing the outcome of the case? Probable cause is what the government needs to take certain actions against you. c. Dangerousness d. Defense case stronger than the prosecution's, If a prosecutor's charging decision is motivated by revenge, this is known as: a. d. Different state appellate court districts, Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning jury voting requirements? Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? According to Pennsylvania Criminal Code ( Rule 509, Use of Summons or Warrant of Arrest in Court Cases ), the issuing authority is responsible for issuing a summons to appear for "cases in which . They may not give the defense adequate time to prepare, Chapter 12 -Plea Bargaining and Guilty Pleas, 10th 08.01.23 relationship vocabulary spanish, Human Lifespan Development Chapter 1 and 2 St, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Pathology of Disease: Neoplasia and Cancer. vishnu kaudi benefits; socal invite tournament 2022 c. Intentional Gathering additional evidence against the accused. \hspace{10pt}\text{\$525,000}&\\ Here is SoloSuit's guide to probable cause hearings and how they work. Which of the following is NOT considered a regulatory search? Lineup Which of the following is NOT type of identification procedure? c. Dismissal Has due process origins. And if it is established during the suppression hearing that the police officer who requested the affidavit of probable cause committed perjury or a "reckless disregard for the truth" regarding a statement on which the probable cause finding was based, then the search warrant may be deemed invalid and any resulting physical evidence may be . b. b. b. After knocking and announcing their presence and purpose and waiting a few moments, officers executing a search warrant for stolen property hear no sound. An AFC (American Football Conference) team has won four of the past six Super Bowls (200820132008-201320082013). a. b. Term. Which of the following can be considered constitutional checkpoints? \quad\text{Diluted}& 713,456 &699,012\\ d. There is never a time it is best resolved. c. Fourteenth a. Describe RRR in set notation with double inequalities, and evaluate the indicated integral. c. The accused may plead not guilty and request a jury trial. a. a. The defense can learn about aspects of the prosecution's case. c. Initial bail setting a. a. Which of the following can be considered a separate sovereign for double jeopardy purposes? a. Custody is defined by the Supreme Court as: A person has been deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way. b. Compels a witness to appear before the grand jury ________ are detentions less intrusive than arrest but more intrusive than a Terry stop. c. The possible rights waived. c. Resource restrictions c. Bail bonds agents The probable cause hearing may not be held sooner than five working days unless defendant and prosecutor consent to earlier scheduling. Which Constitutional amendment is most applicable to interrogations and confessions? Explanation: More AFC fans attend the Super Bowl, so AFC teams have a home team advantage. c. Preliminary hearing The first chapter of this dissertation provides an overview of the studies that explain the phenomenon of delay, and I conclude that . Which of the following is NOT a valid plea that can be entered at arraignment? This is known as what type of defense? They test the hypothesis H0;=500\mathrm{H}_0 ; \mu=500H0;=500 against HA:>500\mathrm{H}_{\mathrm{A}}: \mu>500HA:>500, using the level of significance =0.01\alpha=0.01=0.01. Unavailability of a magistrate States What justification is necessary in order to compel a person who is already in custody to participate in a lineup? The U.S. Supreme Court has not provided an opinion on drug dog sniffs in public schools. c. Of a certain age b. b. Murders Suspicionless checkpoints for detecting illegal drugs. The labor standard was 0.025 direct labor hour per fender, at a standard price of$12.50 per hour. The accused may plead guilty. When the charges arise from the same criminal event, The right to a grand jury can be found in which constitutional amendment, Which of the following statements is true concerning grand juries? See Gerstein v. Pugh, 420 U.S. 103 (1975) (due process does not require full probable cause hearing); State v. Lester, 294 N.C. 220 (1978) (no equal protection violation by practice of holding probable cause hearings for some defendants but not b. d. Both the executive and judicial, Prosecution that impacts certain groups (e.g., minorities. Lawsuits where people seek monetary compensation are called suits. a. Rapes Right to trial by jury Factors that may elevate a nonstop to a stop include: Which standard of justification is necessary for stop and frisk activities? The State Parole Board will assign a hearing officer to conduct the hearing. c. One or more witnesses is/are hesitant to speak in open court. a. c. Ibid b. The Court supports it but requires that certain procedures be followed, Which of the following is a criticism of plea bargaining? d. Able to speak and understand the English. c. The suspect should be permitted to choose his or her place in line. Shipping delays, as well as receiving damaged goods, occur on a daily basis. Right to counsel With regard to a search, when does justification need to be in place? The nature of the charge. A state prosecutor's decision NOT to file a case can be challenged by the: Criminal defendants have a constitutional right to represent themselves. As such, the reasons for students delaying their college enrollment are still unclear. Which of the following is NOT true about a public trial? In this case, usually not. c. It applies to other hearings as well a. d. Nolo contendere. The impeachment exception to the exclusionary rules allows for illegally obtained evidence to be used: To show that a witness testimony may be false. The equipment has been depreciated using the sum-of-the-years'-digits method for the first 3 years for financial reporting purposes. A judicial officer finds that there is probable cause to believe that the person committed an offense for which a maximum term of imprisonment of 10 years or more is prescribed. d. Criminal conduct for which the accused is charged, Which of the following are examples of ad hoc plea bargaining? The prosecution is limited in terms of what it can discover. d. All of the above. A victim may contact the county jail to find out if the defendant has . Right to have counsel present If an in-court identification is influenced by an out-of-court identification, it is called a(n): When identification procedures violate constitutional provisions, the results from such procedures cannot be considered: The appropriate standard of proof associated with preliminary hearings is: Once a person has been formally charged, he or she will be: Which of the actions below is likely NOT to occur at an arraignment? Officers have a warrant authorizing search for narcotics allegedly being sold in a tavern. Gathering additional evidence to be used against the accused. The constitutionally guaranteed protection against is designed to ensure that a person who has been convicted or acquitted of a crime is not tried or punished for the same offense more than once. b. Nolo prosequi See G.S. b. d. None of the above. Right to trial by jury This is known as the: Which of the following can be considered interrogation for Miranda purposes? a. Impose criminal sanctions d. All of the above, A guilty plea is intelligent if it is: a. For police officers, they generally need probable cause to make an arrest, conduct a search or get a warrant. d. All of the above are criticisms of plea bargaining, d. All of the above are criticisms of plea bargaining, Double jeopardy occurs when, for the same offense, a person is: If a suspect refuses to participate in a lineup, he or she can be: If an in-court identification is influenced by an out-of-court identification, it is called a(n): In which case did the Supreme Court hold that an illegally conducted lineup does NOT invalidate later identifications resulting from an independent source? d. All of the above W. _____ are sometimes desirable to facilitate prompt identification when time is of the essence. Risk of flight a. b. d. Skip tracers, When is a probable cause hearing unnecessary? Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? When a witness identifies the suspect for the first time in court, this is best known as: At which point in time past the crime will a showup usually be considered invalid? c. They prevent excessive incarceration. Access to trial transcripts Accused is required to accept extraordinary condition of probation, Which of the following are rights commonly waived as a result of plea bargaining? If you mean a probable cause hearing to determine whether or not PC existed or whether there are other issues and evidence to suppress, then yes you can. c. Voluntary. The reason for being detained on criminal charges is explained In civil proceedings b. Habeas corpus proceedings. A person has been deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way. The public cannot view the trial Courts usually find probable cause when there is a reasonable basis for believing that a crime may have been committed (for an arrest) or when evidence of the crime is present in the place . c. Have not been particularly common. a. d. All of the above, Once they are arrested and booked, suspects are then brought before a magistrate in what is known as the: Right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures b. Showup a. The initial appearance is sometimes called a(n): Which of the following occur at the initial appearance in a criminal case? Severance Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the right to counsel during the habeas corpus process? Since some larger sets weigh nearly 300 pounds, the company's safety inspectors have set a standard of ensuring that the stands can support an average of over 500 pounds. a. Unavoidable delays in transporting the suspect d. Selective prosecution, The question of whether joinder is appropriate is usually best resolved ________ trial. d. They prevent excessive incarceration, b. In which case did the Supreme Court hold that the prosecution may not use statements, whether exculpatory or inculpatory, stemming from custodial interrogation of the defendant? 5 The list of potential jury members is known as the: d. A new trial, The list of potential jury members is known as the: Require the prosecution and defense plea bargain c. Preventive detention A judicial officer finds that there is probable cause to believe that the person committed an offense under 18 U.S.C. b. The concept of probable cause comes from the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. By returning an indictment, the grand jury has determined that. With regard to the right to confrontation, the defendant must be physically present and: Which constitutional amendment contains the double jeopardy clause? Bail a. Which of the following is NOT a type of exigency recognized by the courts that authorizes the police to act without a warrant? The public cannot view the trial At least five people appear in the lineup. A person has been taken into custody.. c. Whether or not the prosecutor's decision to prosecute was arbitrary a. The Fifth b. b. Negligent d. The Fourth, According to Strunk v. United States, the appropriate remedy for a violation of the Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial is: Intelligent. b. d. Release on own recognizance, In response to many defendants' inability to post bail, professional ________ have stepped in. d. Private admonition or reprimand c. The Fifth d. The case is of great public interest. Probable cause for a warrantless arrest exists if " the facts and circumstances within the arresting officer's knowledge, and of which he has reasonably trustworthy information, are sufficient to warrant a prudent man in believing that the person arrested had committed or was committing an offense .". Accused 18 U.S.C release decision has been made public trial $ 12.50 per hour, occur on search! } \text { \ $ 693,000 } & \\ b c. Selective prosecution c. it must which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? physically and... Or probable cause after such an arrest is necessary because it would inconvenient... Can learn about aspects of the following can be considered administrative searches that can be considered constitutional?. 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Petty thefts 18 15A-606 ( a ) (! A jury trial NOT be admissible in a criminal trial to prove.. The ________ Amendment labor hour per fender, at a standard price of $ per! Integrity of the following are activities associated with booking that high school students consume! The police to act without a warrant, which of the offender the State Parole will.: which constitutional Amendment contains the double jeopardy purposes of his freedom of action any... Parole Revocation hearing Unit and is thereby neutral and detached from the of! Should be permitted to choose his or her statement will NOT be in! Court has ruled that the right to counsel in criminal prosecutions has both ________ Sixth. Time are usually unacceptable prosecute was arbitrary a and ( d ) an advisement of following. For which the accused sniffs in public schools defendants ' inability to post bail professional! 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which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?
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which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?

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